
How to Check NECO GCE Result 2023/2024 Exams | NECO Result 2023 is Out for Checking

By | September 14, 2023

NECO GCE Result 2023/2024: If you are looking for how to check NECO GCE result for November /December online through your mobile phone and scratch card. The steps below is very easy and simple to execute.


Following the announcement of the released results for the 2023 NECO Nov/Dec External Examination, the National Examination Council (NECO), has released the results statics.

Announcing the results in Minna on Thursday, Registrar/Chief Executive of NECO, Prof. Dantani Ibrahim Wushishi, said the results were released just after sixty-four (64) days the last paper which was written.

The Number of candidates that registered for the examination was 47, 916.

The number of candidates that sat for the English Language was 45,821 out of which 36,116, representing 78.82% made Credit and above.


45,756 Candidates sat for Mathematics, out of which 35,706, representing 78.04percent made Credit and above.

The number of candidates who got five (5) Credits and above, including English Language and Mathematics is 29,342, representing 62.59%.

On the other hand, 37,991 candidates, representing 81.04%, got five (5) Credits and above, irrespective of English Language and Mathematics.

The Number of Candidates booked for various forms of malpractice in 2021 is 4,454, as against 6,465 in 2020, which shows a significant decline in the number of malpractice cases.

NECO Result Checking Portal 2023

Now if you want to check you November /December NECO GCE result, you will have to follow the steps explained below.

  1. Candidates can access their results on the NECO website
  2. Using their examination registration numbers.

How to Check NECO GCE Result Nov/Dec 2023

  1. Enter your token
  2. Enter your examination number
  3. Click on the “Check my result” button

Before you can access your result, you have to purchase NECO token.

How to Purchase Token

  1. Visit the result portal I gave above
  2. Enter your E-mail Address and your password in the space provided.
  3. Click on the Login button.
  4. Locate and click on Purchase Token (NB: You can only use each token with only one result for a specific number of views)
  5. Enter the number of tokens you need and click on Pay now button (NB: the price is N500 + N50 service charge).
  6. Click on “Proceed to pay button” to pay for the token via REMITA platform using a bank or ATM card.

If you have checked your Result successfully, kindly comment below and let us know you did it successfully.


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