WAEC GCE Geography Past Questions and Answers. If you will write this year WAEC GCE exam on geography? Download GCE Past Questions on Geography (Theory/Objectives) pdf and start reading.
I will like to answer some students who wants to know how to pass waec Geography. Geography in waec is divided into objective (50 questions) and theory (this is divided into section A and section B).
Your success in waec Geography begin if you can make sure to score minimum of 35 out of the 50 questions in the objective. You also need to make sure that you answer correctly 3 questions out of the 5 compulsory questions in section A of the theory. The same is also applicable for section B.
There are certain topics you need to master in waec Geography syllabus. I know the reason why you are here is to download WAEC GCE Past Questions in Chemistry PDF.
Facts About WAEC GCE Expo in Geography
I know that some people still find their way to see WAEC expo because of the sabotage working with WAEC. However, many people claiming to help you get WAEC life questions are deceiving you. They are only after your money.
Education is not a car race, or a do or die affair. From experience, you can pass WAEC by devoting your time to read your books and study past questions. Success in exam isn’t as hard as people make it look.
Looking for an “expo” is a distraction to lieu you away from adequate preparation for the exams.
The number of fraudulent people is increasing on a daily basis because of the crave of students to get expo to WAEC. And because there is high demand for an “expo,” people now venture into the business to make gain from students who are looking for a shortcut to pass an exam.
WAEC GCE Geography Past questions and answers (Previous Years)
1. Villages develop into urban centres when they ____
A. attract more people
B. produce enough food
C. establish educational institutions
D. grow in commerce and industry.
2. By how many times will a map measuring 12cm by 7cm be enlarged to make its area 336cm2?
A. Twice
B. Three times
C. Four times
D. Five times.
3. Eluviation is the process by which _______
A. Soluble substances are removed from the upper layers of the soil
B. soluble substances are deposited in the upper layers of the soil
C. fine particles are removed from one layer of the soil to another
D. fine particles are deposited in the upper layers of the soil.
4. Transhumance is the seasonal migration of livestock ______
A. from the lowlands to the uplands
B. from the north to the south following the rains
C. in the semiarid steppes
D. in search of water and pasture.
5. Variations in the lengths of day and night over the earth’s surface are due to the _____
A. earth’s inclination to the sun and its revolution
B. earth’s inclination to the sun and its rotation
C. length of the earth’s orbit
D. thickness of the earth’s atmosphere.
6. The progressive widening of joints and cracks in limestone by solutions, initially leads to the formation of ______
A. grikes and clints
B. stalactites and stalagmites
C. caves and caverns
D. cliffs and dry valleys.
7. When condensation occurs in a rising air mass, latent heat is _____
A. absorbed by carbon dioxide
B. lost to the atmosphere
C. stored in the water molecules
D. released as sensible heat.
8. Two cloud types of great vertical extent that produce much rainfall are _____
A. cumulus and stratus
B. cumulus and cumulo-nimbus
C. cumulo-nimbus and nimbostratus
D. strato-cumulus and nimbo-stratus.
9. The cheapest means of transport for long distance travel is by _____
A. rail
B. water
C. air
D. road.
10. If the distance between two points on a map with scale 1: 50,000 is 35mm, what is the distance between them on the ground?
A. 1.50 km
B. 1.55 km
C. 1.75 km
D. 1.85 km.
11. If a map has a scale of 1: 50,000 and a cocoa plantation is represented on the map by a rectangle 5 cm by 4 cm, what is the area of the plantation?
A. 5 km2
C. 20km2
D. 25km2.
See: WAEC Further Mathematics Questions and Answer
12. On which of the following pairs of dates is the length of day and night equal on the earth’s surface?
A. June 21st and September 21st
B. March 22nd and December 22nd
C. June 21st and December 22nd
D. March 21st and September 23rd.
13. Lakes formed as a result of landslides, screes or avalanches are known as _____
A. man-made lakes
B. barrier lakes
C. caldera lakes
D. rock-hollow lakes.
14. Which of the following is a major environmental problem in heavily industrialized regions?
A. Accelerated erosion
B. Water pollution
C. Frost damage
D. acid rain.
15. The crossing of a boundary between two countries by a migrant is best described as ____
A. emigration
B. Immigration
C. Out-migration
D. international migration.
16. A process whereby a plant community is replaced by another is known as ________
A. colonization
B. succession
C. competition
D. consolidation.
17. The duration of sunshine is measured by the ______
A. aneroid barometer
B. Campbell-Stokes recorder
C. cup-anemometer
D. minimum-maximum thermometers.
18. Quartz, feldspar and mica are three principal minerals that can easily be seen in _____
A. basalt
B. coal
C. granite
D. limestone.
19. The rock with the least carbon content is ______
A. Coal
B. Sandstone
C. marble
D. lignite.
20. The process by which organic matter is decomposed and synthesized to form part of the soil is known as ______
A. humification
B. mineralization
C. laterization
D. nitrification.
21. Which of the following groups consists of energy resources?
A. Petroleum, uranium and manganese
B. Coal, bauxite and uranium
C. Water, copper and sun
D. Coal, petroleum and water.
22. A piece of evidence that confirms that the earth is spherical is _______
A. Standard time
B. solar system
C. earth’s orbit
D. moon’s eclipse.
23. A tremendous pressure or temperature change may lead to the formation of ______
A. limestone
B. granite
C. gneiss
D. clay.
24. Which of the following sources of power supply is renewable?
A. Solar
B. Coal
C. Gas
D. Nuclear.
25. Hygrometer is used to measure ______
A. rainfall
B. wind direction
C. relative humidity
D. sunshine.
26. The largest ocean in the world is the _______
A. Atlantic Ocean
B. Indian Ocean
C. Arctic Ocean
D. Pacific Ocean.
27. Rock minerals are said to be crystalline when the atoms forming them are _______
A. found in sedimentary rocks
B. found in crystalline rocks
C. arranged in definite pattern
D. arranged vertically.
28. The difference in time between two longitudes is approximately ______
A. 15 hours
B. 40 minutes
C. 4 hours
D. 4 minutes.
29. A slope is said to be even when the contours are _________
A. equally spaced
B. concentric
C. closely spaced
D. irregularly spaced.
WAEC GCE General Examination Instructions.
- Do not open your question paper until you are told to do so
- USE HB pencil throughout in the OBJ Section
- You are free to use Biro in the theory part
- You are allowed to use calculator to solve
- Make sure that you fill your name, Subject, paper, paper code and other examination details where necessary.
- Ensure that the texts in your question papers are boldly printed
- Behave yourself.
- Don’t let invigilators catch you using expo
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6 Steps To Pass WAEC GCE Geography Without Stress
There are courses you can’t study if you don’t have credits in WAEC at one sitting: courses like Medicine and Surgery. The reason is that the number of students that applied for those courses is high. Therefore, one of the ways to reduce the number of applicants is to make WAEC or GCE requirements as one sitting.
(1) Don’t panic
The fear of WAEC is one of the reasons why students fail the exam. You have to remain confident in yourself and ability to pass the exam. One of the things to do to boost your confidence level is when you start preparing for the exam early.
Early preparation helps you cover more relevant topics than late preparation. Late preparation can increase your stress level and eventually lead to poor performance.
(2) Source for past questions on various subjects you want to write
This will give you a hint of how WAEC questions are structured. This method helped me in chemistry back then. I understood how the practical, theory, and objective chemistry questions looked like.
And I was able to detect areas where WAEC like to focus much on through the trend of their past questions I have studied. Therefore, this made me focus on the most important areas and made my reading productive.
(3) Go through recommended textbooks
Go for recommended textbooks that explain better and can hasten your understanding. A textbook helped me for the practical aspect of chemistry back then.
I read the practical book and I was able to do very well in chemistry. Moreover, textbooks are needed for you to understand some questions you might be having difficulty to answer. Once you are able to understand it, it has become part of you.
(4) Ask your teachers about how WAEC allot marks
I remembered that when I wrote my GCE back then my teachers told me how WAEC allot marks. For example, practical physics, chemistry, and biology take 40% of the total mark while the theory and objectives take the remaining 60%. Knowing this will help your preparation.
Moreover, some of your teachers are WAEC examiners; they are familiar with the dos and don’ts of WAEC. So take their words with seriousness and take note of any area they ask you to note. They are instruments that can guide you to success.
(5) You must read instructions before you answer any question
For example, in mathematics there are questions that belong to other countries, so don’t attempt questions that are not meant for you.
(6) Work hard
Success is for those who study hard and give their best. There is no shortcut to success than to work hard and be studious.